eLLO : the world’s first Fresnel thermodynamic power plant with an energy-storage capacity
SUNCNIM has developed (project finance), is building (EPC) and will operate the eLLO project which has a 20 years' power purchase agreement.
Technology CSP technology - Solar steam generator with power block
Application field Solar steam generator with steam accumulator for electricity production
Activities Development, design, construction and operation
eLLO is the world’s first Fresnel thermodynamic power plant with an energy-storage capacity.
Located in the Eastern Pyrenees, the eLLO solar plant main features are :
- 9 MWe power output with a thermal energy storage capacity, i.e. the electricity consumption of more than 6,000 households
- Built on a 36-hectare site
- 95,200 mirrors fitted to 23,800 collector panels covering a total surface area of 153,000 m2
- 9 energy accumulators, providing 4 hours of full-charge storage capacity.
The project was developed by SUNCNIM which specially secured :
- Municipal Land
- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) signed with EDF in the framework of a french state call of tender awarded in 2012
- All necessary permits
- Financing
- Grid connection
The construction of eLLO project started in October 2016 and schedule to be completed within 2 years.
SUNCNIM will operate the plant for a period of 20 years.